Monkey Documentation

Class StringObject

The StringObject box class can be used to encapsulate a string value inside an object.

  • New ()
  • New ( value:Int )
  • New ( value:Float )
  • New ( value:String )

Field Documentation

Field value : String

The string value contained in the StringObject.

Constructor Documentation

Method New ()

Creates a new StringObject containing an empty string.

Method New ( value:Int )

Creates a new StringObject containing a string representing the given int value.

Method New ( value:Float )

Creates a new StringObject containing a string representing the given float value.

Method New ( value:String )

Creates a new StringObject containing the given string value.

Method Documentation

Method Compare : Int ( box:StringObject )

Compares StringObjects. Returns a value <0 if this string value is less than box, a value >0 if this string value is greater than box, or 0 if both string values are equal.

Method Equals : Bool ( box:StringObject )

Tests StringObjects for equality. Returns true if the values are equal, else false.

Method ToString : String ()

Returns the string value contained in the StringObject.