Monkey Documentation

Language keywords

The identifiers below are language keywords and are reserved for use by the Monkey language; these keywords are case-insensitive.

Module control

Strict | Import | Extern


Const | Local | Global | Field

Basic types

Void | Bool | Int | Float | String | Array | Object | Throwable

Classes and functions

Class | Function | Method | Public | Private | Property | New | Self | Super | Extends | Abstract | Final | Interface | Implements | Null

Program flow

If | Then | Else | Elseif | Endif | While | Wend | Repeat | Until | Forever | For | To | Step | Eachin | Next | Select | Case | Default | End | Continue | Return | Exit


And | Or | Shl | Shr | Not | Mod | True | False


Try | Catch | Throw


Module | Inline

These keywords are not currently used by the Monkey language but are reserved for future use.

See also

Language reference