Monkey Documentation

Class String

The String type is a fundamental monkey type used to represent sequences of characters. More...


Detailed Discussion

The String type is a fundamental monkey type used to represent sequences of characters.

Please see the Types section of the monkey language reference for more information on the string type.

Property Documentation

Method Length : Int () Property

Returns the number of characters contained in the string.

Method Documentation

Method Compare : Int ( str:String )

Compares two strings. Returns a value <0 if this string is less than str, a value >0 if this string is greater than str, or 0 if the strings are equal.

Method Contains : Bool ( str:String )

Returns true if the string contains str, else false.

Method EndsWith : Bool ( str:String )

Returns true if this string ends with str, else false.

Method Find : Int ( str:String, start:Int=0 )

Returns the offset of the first occurrence of str within this string, starting at the specified start offset.

Returns -1 if str is not found.

Method FindLast : Int ( str:String )

Returns the offset of the last occurrence of str within this string.

Returns -1 if str is not found.

Method FindLast : Int ( str:String, start:Int )

Returns the offset of the last occurrence of str within this string, starting at the optional offset specified by start.

Returns -1 if str is not found.

Method Join : String ( pieces:String[] )

Creates a single string by joining together each element of pieces, using the current string as a separator.

Method Replace : String ( findStr:String, replaceStr:String )

Replaces all occurrences of findStr with replaceStr and returns the result.

Method Split : String[] ( separator:String )

Splits this string into an array of pieces, using the separator string to delimit each piece.

Method StartsWith : Bool ( str:String )

Returns true if the string starts with str, else false.

Method ToChars : Int[] ()

Converts string to an array of character codes.

Method ToLower : String ()

Converts the string to lowercase and returns the result.

See also ToUpper

Method ToUpper : String ()

Converts the string to uppercase and returns the result.

See also ToLower

Method Trim : String ()

Removes any leading and trailing whitespace from the string and returns the result.

Function Documentation

Function FromChar : String ( charCode:Int )

Creates and returns a string of length 1 containing the character code specified by charCode.

Function FromChars : String ( charCodes:Int[] )

Creates and returns a string containing the character codes in the specified charCode array.